Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUM Plan) of the Municipality of Edessa
This study concerns the development of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for the municipality of Edessa. The need for it arose from the need to solve a large number of problems directly related to the mobility of people and goods and the overall traffic organization of the city.

The primary goals for the development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in the municipality of Edessa were:
- Equal treatment as much as possible of all groups of citizens and travelers.
- Improvement of road safety and the sense of security.
- Provision and optimization of alternative modes of transportation.
- Improvement of the level of service for citizen mobility, through the improvement of transport infrastructure, the strengthening of mass transportation, as well as the promotion of soft mobility options.
- Improvement of the connectivity of the municipality with neighboring areas with all modes of transportation.
- Ensuring smooth supply of commercial use for economic development.
- Reduction of negative impacts of transportation on the health of citizens and the environment.
- Increase of the attractiveness of the area as a place to live and work.
- Increase of the visitation of the area, resulting in the stimulation of the local market.
- Integration of special interventions and the servicing of special needs.
The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the Municipality of Edessa was developed in 4 stages, which were as follows:
- Stage 1: Preparation – Analysis of the Existing Situation
- Stage 2: Setting Objectives – Formulation of Action Scenarios
- Stage 3: Review and Evaluation of Scenarios – Impact Assessment
- Stage 4: Development of Implementation Plan
The proposed interventions of the optimal scenario were categorized by time horizon into 5-year Time Horizon Interventions and 10-year Time Horizon Interventions.
Finally, the proposed interventions that were suggested concern:
- Ensuring accessibility to the entire road network of the study area.
- Formation of school rings.
- Strengthening road safety at sensitive points of the study area.
- Interventions aimed at improving traffic conditions.
- Development of an information/sensitization campaign for commuters.
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